
Saturday, March 20, 2010

Mad Mirrodin Mir Men. Mir man! Mir MAN!

Today, I woke up wicked late (See post regarding Thursday).  This was annoying, though somewhat amusing.

Thank goodness for jobs where no one cares if you occasionally show up at noon without a terribly good reason beyond, "Umm... I'm hung over?"  Ahh, the modern workplace.  It's a pretty cool thing - being granted the flexibility to occasionally act like an irresponsible adult just makes me all the more determined to be responsible the rest of the time.

Anyway, so I woke up wicked late.  After getting my act together, I walked down to Harvard Sq. from Porter (because it was gorgeous out!), grabbed some coffee, and then got lunch for Daniel, Hillary, and myself at Veggie Planet.  Marty missed out because he didn't read my e-mail.  He just saw the title, "In by noon" and left it at that, apparently.

So work went pretty well.  I got a few things done, including updating a wiki page with a list of all of our customers/widgets.  After work, I stopped over in H^2 again, grabbed a scone, some taro bubble tea (very girly looking, but that's okay), and an apple, and then walked back home up Mass Ave.  Twenty minutes later saw me at home, helping my neighbor Elizabeth pull some outdoor patio furniture out of the basement.  And a few minutes after that saw me driving out of the city towards Sudbury for a night of Magic.  MAGIC!

Route 20 was flooded over where it crossed route 27.  Crazy.  I guess we really did have a ton of rain.  Magic went well.  I cleaned up, all told.  Both in games and in the cards I got out of our sealed deck.  We bought two boxes of Mirrodin and split them up.  Great stuff.

I also brought my guitar with me for in-between-game jams.  While playing, Gwen sent me a text asking if I wanted to hang out with her and Eric.  She said they were listening to Neutral Milk Hotel and watching Mad Men.  I mentally arranged to check out of Sudbury at a reasonable hour.

After leaving Sudbury, I got back to the city around 11:00 PM.  I sent Eric and Gwen some text messages to see what they were up to.  They were at her place, watching Mad Men.  So I hopped on my bike and headed over to Inman.  It was a beautiful ride.  We sat and watched more Mad Men, and then, following that, The Breakfast Club.  I don't think I've ever seen that.  So full of teen angst!  Crazy.

After all that, I rode home.  And here I am.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Ahhh, "The Breakfast Club" is classic Hughes. Another favorite teenager coming of age movies is "Breaking Away", not a Hughes film, but involving bicycles :)