
Saturday, March 6, 2010

An increasingly gooder day

I woke up today promptly at 7:05 AM.

Yay me.

I got to work at approximately 8:15, I think, and set about preparing for a branding training session at 1:00 PM.  There was a lot to do, but it turned out alright in the end.  I was a bit... stressed... for a while, though.  It was a frustrating morning.

After the meeting, Marty and I had a long talk about brands and what we need to do to feel more comfortable handing kits out.  A good start, I think.

Around 3:15 PM, Jason came into the office to talk to George.  Cool - sounds like it was a good meeting, from what both told me.  Around 4:30 or so, Jason and I wandered outside and took a quick walk around East Cambridge, from the office up 2nd Street to Cambridge, and back down 3rd Street.  Following that, I decided to take advantage of the free ride home, and we got outta there.

At home, I bummed around for a little while waiting for Mike to get back, and then the two of us (Mike and I) drove out to Dave FR's place in Sudbury for a night of Magic.

Oh yeah.

We did some sealed deck with a box of Worldwake.  Jason and I both had nearly perfect records (I think I was like 6-1, and he was about the same).  I made this lovely little green/red deck with a lot of instant speed buffs, Tims, and nasty little creatures.  It worked well!

After all that, I came home.  Now I'm sitting here reading.  Go me!

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