
Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Tuesday the Rainieth of March

Woke up this morning at 6:30 AM for a run.  Julia appeared promptly at 7:00 AM, and we went for a run down Mass. Ave., across to Oxford Street, and back up to my place near Porter.  Apparently around 2.85 miles.  It was pouring rain.  Awesome.

After that, we bummed around for a few minutes drying out, brought her bike up and stashed it in my apartment, and then I gave her a ride back to her place.

I had a lovely breakfast of bagel, yogurt, and granola (with craisins!) whilst catching up on a few things for work, then got out the door and off to the office.  It was wet.  It was really wet.

Work today was disjointed, but I figured a few things out, and finished up some stuff.  Worked out okay.  I didn't really bother with lunch - I just kinda snacked on a few things here and there.

I left the office at approximately 6:00 PM, I think.  I went home, had a bite to eat (cheese and crackers for the win!), and then headed over to Justin and Ali's for LOST around 7:45 PM.  Seemed like a pretty good episode.

Oh, and prior to leaving, I noticed we have a leak in our roof, in the kitchen.  Argh.  Two of them, I think, against the wall.  Bugger.

After LOST, I came home and played a little guitar, then climbed into le beddie bye.  Yes, that's a technical term.  Eric came home and we chatted for a few about the Large Hadron Collider and miscellaneous other things.  His girlfriend Nikki just got on a plane for Japan.  For a two year Master's program in linguistics.  Whoah.

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