
Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Party Out

Today started with a bike ride at 7:15 AM.

Julia and I, in lieu of our usual run, decided to bike around Cambridge a bit in the morning.  She had things to get done, and I just had things to get outside - namely, myself.  We started by hitting up the Shaw's in Porter for bananas.

You heard right: bananas.  Lots of bananas.  Like... $15 worth of bananas.  If you know anything about banana cost per pound, you know that's a shiznit ton of bananas.  Like a huge backpack full.

Girl likes bananas.

... But not that much.  They were for after school kids.  Smoothie day, apparently.  So we tried to go to Shaw's for bananas, but found that they didn't have enough ripe ones - they just had a wicked ton of green ones.  Not good.  So we cleaned them out of ripe bananas, then headed over to the Gourmet Express to fill out the backpack.

After that, we biked down Mass Ave. to Harvard Square, where I realized that I wasn't going to be able to make it all the way to her school to drop them off, as it would have taken me until like... 8:30 or so, which might be a tad too late.  So I went home via the back way (Garden/Raymond, etc.).  After that, having started the day on a bike, I opted to ride to work as well.  I found a nice spot for my bike next to Mr. Daniel's (safety in numbers, don't you know).  The day went alright, I got a few things done.  Not as much as yesterday, I think, but it generally involved a few more random things than yesterday as well.

For lunch, Erik, M'Lord and I ordered Thai.  They got drunken noodles.  I got yellow curry.  All tofu, all the time.  It was delicious.

After work, we hosted the Brightcove Developer Group Meeting thingy.  Daniel and Eric gave little presentations, along with folks from a few other companies in the area that use Brightcove.  Good times.  There was pizza and beer.  Also good times.

After the meeting, around 8:00 PM or so, I biked home, sat down, had some tea, and then bust out the guitar for a few.  I'm not feeling particularly prepared for my lesson tomorrow.  This week (and the last one, I think), I've been mostly exhausted at night after work.  I thought exercise was s'posed to energize you?  As it gets warmer I'm getting more, but I'm just feeling a bit worn out!  It feels good, in a way, but I just wish I didn't have so much to do in my spare time.

Sitting here, listening to the Beastie Boys.

And that's how it is.

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