
Monday, March 22, 2010

A really straightforward day.

It sounds like we passed some health care reform tonight.

I can't say I'm upset by this.

I woke up today at 11:30 or so, got my stuff together, and rode my bike down to Harvard Square.  I sat in Dado from around 1:00 PM until about 4:00 PM, planning for tonight's Ars game.  I had a scone, some coffee, and eventually a delicious bagel/hummus/swiss/veggie sandwich.  Eventually, I rolled my way back home and then out to Sudbury for the evening.

Dave brought some scotch.  YEAH DAVE!

We had a pretty okay session, I think.  A bit slow, at times, but sometimes that happens.  It tends to happen more when the characters kinda go their separate ways and do separate things for a bit.  Wasn't really any way around it.

We left off with a slight cliff hanger - Jason's character just got visited by a dragon, in human form, dressed as a fine gentleman, named Iurdicialus (which roughly translates from some bastardized Latin as "Justice").  Good times.

And... I think that's all I've got.  Back to work and class tomorrow.  It'll probably be a looong day.

Oh, and I tried out my NPR iPhone app for the first time today.  It's wicked awesome to be able to just listen to whatever whenever you want.  Coolness.

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