
Monday, March 22, 2010

Trains, Braids, News, Notes in Flight, and a smidge of running

Argh.  I should remember to do this earlier.

I woke up at 6:30 AM this morning and biked over to Julia's.  We went for a 3.2 mile run around the river, down to Western Ave., and back to her place.  Not bad.  It felt pretty good, even if it was a tad cold outside.

Today, on my way into work, the train was delayed at Porter.  There was apparently a medical emergency at Charles (whoever you are, I hope you're okay).  I waited around for about ten minutes before the conductor came on over the intercom saying there'd be another fifteen minute wait.

To me, that means it's time to walk to Harvard Square.

So I did.

Got into Dado, sat for a few, started checking work e-mail, chatted with Karin for a bit, then figured it was safe enough to hit up the train and get to the office.

It was, indeed!

So I got to the office.

I spent most of the day working on this integration thingy about adding things to peoples shopping cart.  I got it working!  This is exciting to me.

I don't seem capable of writing a substantial paragraph tonight.  This is maybe because my hands are cold.

In other news: I'm getting a copy of Windows 7 for my Mac, for Bootcamp!  Yay!  Then I may be able to play Starcraft II.

After work, Erik, Victoria, and I walked down to the T.  Erik went towards Porter, Victoria and I went towards Park.  Good conversation.  I got to class five minutes late, but it was okay because Joel wasn't there either.  Theory went well, I think.  Ear Training went pretty well too.  I feel vaguely like I'm slowly getting trained.  I can hear the difference between minor, dominant, and major chords now, when I sing the chord tones.  It's pretty cool.

I came home and tried to play Braid.  It kept crashing.  I downloaded an update to it while trying to watch The Daily Show on Hulu.  The show kept pausing for buffering.  Very annoying.  I also tried to register for Noteflight, and they never sent me an e-mail.  Very sad.  Eventually, Braid downloaded and stopped crashing once I reinstalled it.  Hulu got its act together.  But Noteflight never e-mailed me.  Sad panda.

Just talked to Julia - we're pre-emptively canceling our run in the morning, given that it looks like it's going to be all rainy-crazy.  We'll pick up again on Wednesday.

And now, sleep.

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