
Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Not at all what I originally planned.

Things were going well today until I decided I needed to do a merge.

Well, kinda well.

I started out this morning kinda down.  I don't know why, exactly, it was the sort of down where it just felt like how I wanted to feel.  I felt like being slow, and methodical, and un-lively.  I was thinking about people I used to know, and how weird it'd be if they showed up in my life again.

But, well, the day went better after that.  That is, until I decided to do that merge.

What a mess.

I've never seen such a completely conflicted merge.  I hardly know where to start.  I think I need a full compliment of faculties just to get through it.  Daniel was kind enough to sit with me and try to work through it, but we both eventually just kinda gave up in disgust.  I'm not entirely sure how we got the branch into this situation, but it's not pretty.  We'll get it all squared away tomorrow, certainly, but it's a bummer.  I was hoping it'd be straightforward.

After work, which ended at 7:00 PM or so, I T-ed it over to Harvard Square with Hillary, and met Jessi at Dado.  We had originally planned to have coffee/tea or something, but after deciding we were both hungry, we opted for Japanese instead.  She had some sushi (avocado and tuna, I believe), I had some bi bim bap in a stone pot, which was awesome.  We also had a huge scallion pancake.  Awesome.

I had originally planned to head over to Justin and Ali's tonight to watch LOST.  It being, though, that by the time we were finished with dinner it was 9:00 PM, I decided I was pretty unlikely to get there at a useful time.  Unfortunately, I was supposed to give Mike a ride home.  Argh!  Sorry about that, Mike.

All of this being the case, Jessi and I wandered over to John Harvard's for a drink.  Delightful conversation ensued for a few hours.  I had a stout of some sort, and a frostbite ale, or something like that.  Both pretty good, though I could have done with something a bit more hoppy and a bit less flavorful.  Was feeling the hoppitude tonight.

Around 11:somethin we went in opposite directions on the T at Harvard, and maybe midnight or so saw me back home, chilling on the couch with Eric, watching Letterman.

And now, I need to crash.

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