
Saturday, March 13, 2010


This post is for Friday, March 12th.

Yes, it is currently 3:45 PM on March 13th.  There is a reason for this.  I'll get to that.

Friday was Julia's birthday.  Happy birthday!  I woke up at 6:00 AM and drove us down to the Deluxe Town Diner for breakfast at 7:00 AM.  It was vaguely crappy weather, and we didn't feel like riding.  Excellent breakfast.  The only other attendee that could make it was Alex, so we were a small crew.  I had, surprise of surprises, a short stack of flapjacks.  Afterwards, I drove home, got my stuff together, and headed out the door.  I made it to work before 9:00 AM.  Not a bad start to the morning!

So work yesterday involved a lot of documenting.  All day.  And a few meetings.  This crap is time consuming, I've discovered.  In general, things moved along yesterday, just slower than I (or my project manager, I imagine) would have preferred.  After work, I left with yet more stuff to do.  Hillary and I left at around the same time, took the T to Harvard Square, where I proceeded to continue working in Dado for a while.

Around 7:00 PM or so, Gwen and I started discussing the evening, and how/where we were going to manage to properly watch Ghostbusters.  Oh yeah, it's on.  We decided to grab something to eat at Bukowski's in Inman, then find ourselves a video store where we could rent it.  Oh, the old days of video stores.  Wacky.  So I got my bike out and rode it down Beacon to Prospect, then walked up a block to Cambridge St.  Parked the bike in Gwen's like... backyard, place, thing, and then headed over for food.

Bukowski's was pretty good.  Hairy Eyeball, Clown Shoes, and a Wee Heavy were tried.  They had a pretty nice vegan veggie burger, as well.  With fries.  Delicious.  Lovely conversation.

After Bukowski's, we grabbed bicycles again and went down to Central's Olde Time Blockbuster Video.  Gwen ran in, snagged the film, I guarded our rides.  I've still never set foot in that Blockbuster, despite living a block away from it for a year.  Oh well!

A ride back to Inman saw us watching that fine, fine specimen of 1984 film making.  Gwen's fun to watch movies with - it's like MST3k.  We both sit there and make fun of the movie the whole time.

So, we watched Ghostbusters.  Excellent.  And this is where it starts to make sense that I posted at 3:something PM the next day.

Then we watched Killer Klowns From Outer Space - apparently an old favorite.  A meteor hits Earth.  Some people go to investigate - they find a big top tent.  There are killer clowns inside who shoot people with ray guns that turn them into cotton candy.  They then hang up the cotton candy for later.  Ladies and gentlemen, this is cinema.

... Then we decided to finish the job and watch Ghostbusters 2.  I fell asleep and missed the ending, so we rewound it to watch again.  This should have been a sign of, if anything, at least the hour.

... Then, craziness of craziness, we just casually decided to turn on The Princess Bride, cause it was on her Netflix queue.

I think I missed the second half of that one.  Somewhere after they make it through the fire swamp, I was toast.  I woke up as the credits were rolling... and light was streaming through the window.

The time was 6:00 AM.  Ooooow.

7:00 AM saw me back at home, getting into bed.  At least I had my bike to speedify the trip.  I woke up this "morning" at 3:00 PM.

Whew.  So.  Fun Friday!

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