
Sunday, March 28, 2010

The Weekend


So this is an entry for Friday, Saturday, and Sunday.  I'm going to see if I can't remember everything that happened.  It's a bit of a big, happy blur.

Friday work went well.  Working independently is sometimes rather nice.  It's a pleasure to define your own tasks and work through it all.  I'm just making an effort to document what's going on, though, just so someone else could come on board if necessary.

Friday night, I went home after work and tested Noteflight for a few hours.  Such a cool site.  Around 9:00 or so, I went out for drinks/a bite to eat with Dave FR, Julia, Meredith, and some of Meredith's friends (Steve and Bree).  We decided to meet at Cambridge Common, though we weren't really sure we were going to go there.  I got there approximately 20 minutes earlier than everyone else, which was only somewhat frustrating.

Within the first 5 minutes, I put our name down for a table just in case we wanted to stay.  Within 2 minutes of putting my name down, they called it out, after telling me it was going to be 15 minute wait (which sounded perfect).  I grudgingly told them no one else had shown up yet, so they gave the table away.  And probably many other tables after that.

Eventually, everyone showed up at once and informed me that they were thinking of going to Charlie's instead.  I cancelled the table request, and we walked over to H^2, went into Charlie's, and headed up the stairs.  The place was packed.  Eventually, after about a half hour of standing around, we finally got a little table.  Then we got a bigger table.  Then we relaxed.  Everyone was doing well.  Eventually, Dave FR and Meredith decided they needed to get up in the morning and took their leave.  That left Steve, Bree, Julia and me.  We sat around and chatted for a while, and then Steve suggested we head to his place up on Broadway in Cambridge, play some Tekken Tag, and drink Maker's Mark.

This struck me as a splendid idea.

So we grabbed a cab and went out that way.  While Steve was fetching drinks, I fired up the PS2 only to find a disc of Planet Earth in it.

So we sat, watched Planet Earth, and drank Maker's Mark.  Awesome.  Eventually, after a while, Julia and I just decided to crash at their place rather than find a cab back.  Comfy futon, and all.  This was approximately... something something AM.  I'm not sure.

Anyway, the next day, Saturday, around 11:00 AM, Julia and I found ourselves walking back to Central from Broadway.  We stopped at Carberry's for some coffee and something to eat.  After that we went back to our respective apartments, and then (to be a nice guy, and all) I gave her a ride out to Arlington where she was doing some modeling in the afternoon.

Then, I home, took a nap, and then went to PAX.

PAX was pretty crazy.  Supposedly there were like... 65,000 people there?  Is that possible?  That's what was quoted to me.  It was packed, like frickin' Charlie's.  We saw a panel from the creators of Red vs. Blue, including 20 something minutes of new episode.  Pretty cool.  Hilarious guys.

We then walked around the exhibition hall a bit, Jason/Mike bought a few games, and then, eventually, around 6;30 or so, we took our leave.  Jason, Mike, Ria, Olivia, and I all went back to Mike and Ria's place to hang out for a while.

We watched The Princess And The Frog, which was surprisingly well done.  I rather enjoyed it.  We also ordered some pizza, which was great.

Around 9:30 or so, I talked to Julia briefly, and remembered that Mr. Eric Fields was planning on seeing Hot Tub Time Machine in H^2 at 10:00 PM.

How could I miss that?

So I said goodbye to Mike, Ria, and Olivia, (Jason had already left by that point), and headed down to Harvard to the theater.  There I found Mr. Fields waiting for Julia, surprised to see me.  Sup, dude!

Julia and Alex came walking down the street a few minutes later, and we all got our tickets and went in.

Spectacular movie.  Extremely fine cinema.  Oh, yes.  Oscar worthy.  Definitely.  Classy.  John Cusack for the win.

After that, Eric and I headed over to Cambridge Common for a drink.  After a few, Julia joined us - I think Alex had gone home.  We hung around for a bit (until last call, truthfully), and then went to Eric's for quesadillas and jazz.

Fuck yeah.

Not bad.

Eventually, around 3:00 AM, Julia and I left and went home.  An excellent night was had by all.

Sunday morning, I woke up pretty late and bummed around through the afternoon  Julia and I had lunch/dinner at Christopher's around 4:00 PM, which was pretty good, though the atmosphere that time of day is weird.  There's just not enough people.  The place felt kinda empty.

Around 6:00 PM, after a little nap, I shuffled my way on over to Sudbury.  Jason brought our Mirrodin cards that we bought.  I didn't get a great box, but it wasn't terrible either.  It's funny how many of the uncommons in Mirrodin are better than the rares.  We did our Ars thing until around 10:30 or so, when I requested that we adjourn.  I'm exhausted - the above sleeping schedule was mostly just... Whoa.

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