
Monday, March 15, 2010

We'd collect things, and we could argue where to put them

First of all, My Brightest Diamond is amazing.

Just throwing that out there.  I've been listening to A Thousand Shark's Teeth for hours now, and it keeps getting better.

So, with that out of the way, I dreaded waking up this morning.

I am, so, so, so, looking forward to waking up tomorrow to not rain.  Please let that happen.

I woke up this morning and grumbled my way through my morning routine, eventually made it in to work, half soaking wet, and set about my business.

Unfortunately, I wasn't able to finish what I needed to get done this last weekend.  It's driving me insane.  I wasn't able to finish it today, either, and hope it'll be done in the morning.  There has got to be a better way to document widgets.  This way is crazy, and I can see how the design group hated writing "functional specifications" back in the day.  They're incredibly tedious.  Useful, I think, once created, but there's so much work that goes into them.

I started working on it this morning, and, as I've noticed in the past, after six hours straight of working on it I hit a wall.  This reinforces my belief that I'm not capable of working on documentation for more than six hours straight.  After that, I just can't do it anymore.  So I came home around six or so, ordered some food from Le's to make myself feel better, and settled in for a bit to read before continuing on the doc.

I read a good chunk of The Gathering Storm.  And wow.  That was some of the best Wheel Of Time I've ever read.  It was amazing.  Just fucking amazing.  Brandon Sanderson, you can write about Egwene any time as far as I'm concerned.  I'm not entirely thrilled with your Rand, but... Wow.  Those were some good chapters.  I've had goosebumps most of the night, and couldn't keep myself from practically squealing with glee through most of it.

I'm planning to wake up in the morning feeling great.  With extra italics.

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