
Monday, March 1, 2010

A day of tasks and rewards

I got a number of tasks done today.

First was waking up before 11:00 AM.  In fact, I recall waking up before 10:30, too!  Good for me, on the weekend.  After waking up, I realized I had no food in the house and a list of things I needed to get done before 3:00 PM when Julia and I were scheduled to go for a run.

Said list:

1. Some stuff for work.
2. Two Jazz Theory assignments which I've been having issues with.
3. Prepping for this evening's Ars game.

I couldn't see myself eating bread and peanut butter for another meal (ooof.), so I resolved to get myself ready and go down to Dado for the late morning/early afternoon to get some stuff done.

So I did that.  And arrived there around 11:45 AM.  The work stuff went quick enough, and I then spent an hour or two on the Jazz.  It always feels a bit weird to be sitting in a cafe surrounded by parchment paper and with a bunch of staves (I assume that's the plural of a musical staff as well as one you hold?) all over your computer screen.  If I saw somebody in there doing that, anyway, I'd be curious what was up.  It went relatively well, anyway.  Converting chords to slash chords and poly chords confuses me a bit, though.  Some of the examples didn't really make sense.

Around 2:45 PM, I decided to head back home in preparation for our run.  As I was on my way out, Julia called, and suggested that perhaps she make some scones instead of running.  And that we should eat them.

Sadly, I am easily swayed when I'm being baited with scones.  So I went over to her place and hung out with Paul while she cooked.  This is when I got #3 done.  At least, done enough.  Then there were scones, and they were delicious and crumbly.

Julia had asked if she could sit in on our Ars Magica session - something we arranged several weeks ago.  I'm not entirely sure why she wanted to bask in the funny light of supreme geekdom, but, hey, I won't complain about having excellent company.  So we decided we'd head out around 5:00 PM to get out to Sudbury.  On the way, we stopped for gas, my car almost stalled, and then wandered through Hannafords looking for, 1) chips, and 2) beer.  We came away with #1.

Ars went well, I think.  Julia was a champ, and put up with our wackiness well.  Here's hoping she enjoyed herself.  She didn't participate - just hung out.  Good stuff.

Aaaand here I am.  Not half bad.

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