
Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Wet but productive

So I woke up and got out of the apartment later than expected this morning, and had to rush into work for a 9:30 meeting with like... everyone on the invite.  Dah.  I had to call ahead and ask if we could push it back 15 minutes.  Luckily, most people didn't come anyway, and those that did didn't really seem to mind, so... yay.

It was pouring rain this morning, and by the time I got to the office, my poor feets were all wet.  Bugger.  I eventually put them in front of a heater in the conference room to dry out.

Work today was rather productive, I think.  I got several things done, wrote a bunch of documentation, and did proof of concepts for a few others.  Not bad.  I stayed at work from approximately 9:45 AM until 7:00 PM, with some falafel for lunch in between.

And snacks.  We got new snacks.  I had fruit snacks.  And animal crackers.  And some Chex.  Mmm... chex.

Once home, I chilled out for a bit, played some Braid, and then helped Eric do some research into some consumer goods he was thinking of purchasing.  And... Oh!  And I did laundry.  It's currently drying.  Yay, domesticity!  Holy crap, that's a word?  Wow!

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