
Tuesday, March 2, 2010

And after that...

Wow, I almost forgot to write.

Lets see... I think I'll start with yesterday.

I made the mistake of having a Pepsi last night at around 8:00 PM.  This caused me to be so entirely caffeinated that I had issues sleeping last night.  Argh.

There, now, on to today with the proper context.

So I woke up later than I would have preferred, couldn't get in the shower because I was too late, and thus became later, and if it wasn't a vicious circle, it was at least a vicious series of unfortunate events.  Eventually, I got to work and proceeded to start Getting Stuff Done (GSD).  Today was 50% taken up by meetings.  The other 50% involved a bit of code.

After work, Mr. Erik and I took the T to Park St. together, because he happened to be going into the city himself.  Me, I was on my way to class.  6:00 PM saw me over at NEC, sitting down for Jazz Theory.  Class went pretty well, all told.  Ear Training was a lot of fun.  We spent a good 10 minutes going around the room scat singing to Tune Up (Miles Davis).  It was pretty cool.  First, someone would make up a line, the next person would repeat it, the third would modify the end of it, and the fourth would just do whatever they wanted (Which mirrors the form of Tune Up).  We had 7 people, so it went around the room unevenly, so everyone got a chance to do each part.  We then did the same thing, but each person did a set of two phrases, each of which was four bars, instead of each person doing a single four bar phrase.  It was really cool.

After class, I found an empty classroom and bummed around for about half an hour playing guitar.  I brought it with me for Jazz Theory, but we barely used our instruments, so I figured I had to get some sort of use out of it.  Also cool.  I'd been itching to play all day at work.  I can't wait for it to get warm again so I can actually go out on the deck and do that.

After said bit of practice, I left the school, walked back to the Green Line at Hynes and started the trek home.  After a few stops of standing on the train, lookin' around at the tired, 9:15 PM commuters, I somehow looked down the car towards the front.  And who do I see sitting there, minding his own business?


How's that for a coincidence?  I walked up, planted my guitar in front of him, scowled, and said, "Hi!"

Or, well, the scowling might be an exaggeration.

Turns out he was on his way home, too.  This, I would hardly scowl about.

So we both took the Green Line to Park, and the Red Line to our respective stops.  It's always pleasant to have good company!

... And here we are.  I took a spare couch cushion and shoved it under my desk for a kind of thingy to prop my feet on.  So far so good!  I ran out of soup, so dinner consisted of some milk (Ahh!  Delicious!), cheese, crackers, and hummus.  Doesn't get much simpler, or better, than that.  I would have preferred an apple to go with it, though.

... And it's now past my bed time.  That is all.

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