
Monday, March 8, 2010

A morning compressed into 20 minutes.

I need to wake up at 6:15 AM, so I'll make this quick.

Today, rather than 6:15, I woke up at 11:40 AM to a text message from Jason, inviting me to lunch (breakfast?) at The Diner.  (The Deluxe Town Diner, for those who aren't in the know).  Waking up at 11:40 was surprising, as it meant I got approximiately 9 hours and 40 minutes of sleep.  I responded to the text with something akin to "YES!" and proceeded to get myself to said diner in about half an hour, including shower.

The Diner is important.

After breakfast, I hightailed it back home so I could get down to Boston Common.  Jessi and I were planning on seeing Alice In Wonderland, since we didn't get a chance to see it last night.  I bought tickets for the 2:40 showing.  Unfortunately, I didn't get there until about 2:50 PM.

This was a mistake, as the theater was completely packed.  We ended up sitting in the far front, left corner, which made watching a 3D movie rather difficult.  Regardless, I really enjoyed it.

After that, we wandered over to DSW (I think that was it?), which I recognized the sign of once I saw it, but which I didn't realize was a massive, pretty cool shoe store.  We wandered through, I considered what purchases I might make were I to come back, and then wandered back out to the Common.  We said our goodbyes, waiting for the light to turn so I could get back to the T.  After that, I went home (stopping for some trail mix/banana/juice on the way), planned out some stuff for Ars, and then headed out to Sudbury.

I feel like tonight's session went pretty well.  We actually finished summer, which we've been working on for three sessions, I think.  Not bad.  Hopefully the guys are enjoying themselves.

And that's it!  Sleep for me!

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