
Thursday, March 25, 2010


Got up at 6:40 AM this morning to go running, but I think Julia missed her alarm.  So I used the time to get to work a bit early, instead, so I could leave early, so I could get some practice in before my lesson.

The days usually stack up like that.

I find myself being a rather busy guy, I think.

Let's see how this goes, ideally:

Monday: run at 7:00 AM, at work by 9:00 AM.  Work until 5:00 PM.  Travel across town to NEC for class by 6:00 PM.  Sit in class until 8:30 PM or so.  Spend an hour getting home.  Home by 9:30 at the earliest.  Eat dinner, done by 9:45, at the earliest.  Stare at a screen for 45 minutes with my mouth hanging open.  Get ready to go to sleep by 10:30 PM.  Sleep at 11:00 PM, at best.

Tuesday: Run at 7:00 AM, at work by 9:00 AM.  In reality, because I have nowhere to be on Tuesdays, make that 9:30 AM.  Work until 6:00 or 6:30 PM.  Get home by 7:00 PM.  Dinner by 7:30 PM.  From 7:30 PM until 10:30 PM, have three hours free.  Asleep by 11:00 PM.

Wednesday: Run at 7:00 AM, at work by 9:00 AM or 9:30 AM.  Unless something comes up in the morning, in which case half the time I'm in by 10:00 AM.  Work until 6:00 or 6:30 PM.  Get home by 7:00 PM.  Dinner by 7:30 PM.  From 7:30 PM until 10:30 PM, have three hours free.  Asleep at 11:00 PM.

Thursday: Run at 7:00 AM, supposedly, at work by 9:00 AM, hopefully.  Work until 5:00 PM so I can get home to get some practice in before my lesson.  Home by 6:00 PM.  Today, 6:30 PM, cause, you know, life is never that efficient.  Practice and eat a quick dinner until 7:30 PM.  Drive to Brookline.  Lesson from 8:00 PM to 9:15 PM, usually.  Sometimes 9:30 PM.  Occasionally 10:00 PM.  Hurry home.  Home and sitting here to write this by 9:45 PM.  Spend 45 minutes staring at a screen with my mouth hanging open.  Get ready for bed at 10:30 PM.  Asleep by 11:00 PM.

Friday: Run at 7:00 AM, mostly, at work by 9:30 AM at best.  Work until 6:00 PM.  Sometimes later, because things always come up on Fridays.  Home by 7:00 PM, often.  Dinner by 7:30 PM. Technically free time until perhaps midnight, if I intend to sleep decently.  Regardless, I always get at least 8 hours of sleep on weekend nights.  Therefore, perhaps 4 and a half hours of free time.  Wooo, best so far this week.

Saturday: Wake up and be ready for life sometime around 10:00 AM.  Perhaps hit up Dado until 3:00 PM or so to get something done.  Spend 30 minutes of that eating something.  Have a generally free evening.  Another 30 minutes of fooding, perhaps.  Again, perhaps until midnight, or the way things have been going lately, 7:00 effing AM.  Go to sleep at midnight again, for sake of argument.

Sunday: Wake up and be prepared for the day by around 10:00 AM again, in all likelihood.  From 10:00 AM until 3:30 PM, have some free time.  Spend 30 minutes eating in there somewhere.  4:00 PM, drive to Sudbury.  5:00 PM until midnight, play Ars (yeah, we're serious).  Asleep by 1:00 AM Monday morning.  Yes, I'm supposed to go for a run on Monday morning at 7:00 AM.


The free time.  Let's count, shall we?

Monday, 45 minutes.
Tuesday, 3 hours.
Wednesday, 3 hours.
Thursday, 45 minutes.
Friday, 4 hours 30 minutes (woohoo!)
Saturday, 13 hours.
Sunday, 5 hours.

So, now.  Monday and Thursday just don't count.  Nothing happens in that 45 minutes except writing the sort of thing I'm writing now.  So there goes 1 hour and 30 minutes.
Every other day, subtract 15 minutes for blogging.

New totals:

Monday, 0 minutes.
Tuesday, 2 hours 45 minutes.
Wednesday, 2 hours 45 minutes.
Thursday, 0 minutes.
Friday, 4 hours 15 minutes.
Saturday, 12 hours 45 minutes.
Sunday, 4 hours 45 minutes.

Presumably, most days, some activity will be happening on Saturday.  Call that from 8:00 PM until midnight, sleep time.  Most every week, something also happens on Tuesday or Wednesday night.  Either friends getting together, or a meeting of some sort, a social dinner with friends, or something.  So take 2 hours for that, perhaps.  For the sake of argument, say it happens on Tuesday.  And lets say that to have a balanced life, I clean something or do laundry at least once a week.  Call that 2 hours.  We'll fill that in on Sunday, just to spread things out.  I spend at least another 2 hours on Sunday preparing for Ars, lately, since I'm running it.

New totals:

Monday, 0 minutes.
Tuesday, 45 minutes.
Wednesday, 2 hours 45 minutes.
Thursday, 0 minutes.
Friday, 4 hours 15 minutes.
Saturday, 8 hours 45 minutes.
Sunday, 45 minutes.

So Saturday remains an excellent day to get things done.  Truthfully, nothing productive ever happens on Friday night.

So, essentially, we're talking 11 and a half hours a week to do anything else in my life that hasn't been covered above.  Assuming there isn't anything happening during the day on Saturday, in which case that starts looking more like 5 hours a week.

Guitar practice?  Ought to be at least 5 hours a week.
Writing?  Would preferably be at least 3 hours a week.
Grocery store?  1 hour a week.
More thorough apartment cleaning? 1 hour
Homework?  4 hours would be smart.
Side programming projects?  4 hours?

What's that, 18 hours?

God forbid I visit my family some weekend.  Or get sick.  Or have PAX come to town, like this weekend.

Rough.  I think I'm trying to do too much.

Hmm, it's 10:26.  Four minutes to go before it's time to get ready to sleep.    

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