
Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Junky days gone right, eventually

We're going to try a new thing tonight, boys and girls.

It's called "getting to sleep before midnight!"  Exciting, isn't it!

Originally, we were going to try something a bit more difficult called "getting in bed at 10:00 PM and being asleep by 11:00 PM," but that proved to be a bit beyond our current capabilities.  Its difficulty was compounded by the discovery that I could create the coolest, most dreamy textures ever by setting Garage Band to "Dream Pop" and then using a slide to play the first string on a guitar about a centimeter from the bridge.  Stuff like that.  Glorious.  I think it needs to become part of a song.

The difficulty of the original plan was also exacerbated by the delicious, straight rye whiskey Eric brought me around 10:00 PM.  I couldn't very well not drink it, nor could I not finish the beer I had already started.

Don't judge me.

But, here I am, 11:20 or so, and I've made it to bed.  All that remains is to tell you fine people about my day.

I woke up very grumpy.

I hated the weather, I disliked my clothing choices for the day (and, indeed, ended up looking like a bum), and wasn't thrilled with my prospects for the day at work.  Not a good start.

It didn't get much better throughout the day, though everyone else's cheery attitude certainly helped a bit.  I did manage to get a lot of bugs fixed, which is good.  Otherwise, Hillary and I camped out in Trinidad all day (the conference room, not the island).  Marty figured we were hiding.  I kinda was.  Don't know about H.  Just really wasn't feeling particularly social.  Sometimes, there are emotional days, it seems.  I do my best to get through them.

Eventually, Hillary and I left work around 7:00 PM.  The place was empty except for Vita.

Upon returning home, I had a little something to eat (can you guess what it was?), then headed over to Jason's place for an hour or so.  We talked about what Allurent does, mostly.  Was cool.  We also, briefly, played a Tetris game (on the Internets) where the whole screen rotates instead of the piece.  Awesome spin (hah!) on the game.

After an hour or so there, I came home, got out my geetar, and practiced some West Coast Blues.  Then, well, the Dream Pop stuff started, etc., and you've already heard about that.

Yeah.  So, well, the day ended better than it started.  And now, I should sleep!  It's still before midnight!

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