
Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Completely Beautiful

Today was, I think, the first completely beautiful day of the year.

I rolled out of bed a tad late and wandered over to work without a real jacket.  It was glorious.  I finally remembered to bring my pho from the other night with me to work, which proved to be... interesting... to try to heat up at the office.

The morning consisted of mostly independent work, trying to work through how I'm supposed to do stuff for my current integration project.  I made some headway.  I also had a few random meetings during the day.  Around 2:30 or so, Erik and I decided to take a walk out in the sunshine over and around Cambridgeside, just to get out.  It was great.  We took a look through Borders for a moment of relaxation.  After coming back to the office (and resisting the urge to get a cookie), I continued on my way, spending most of the rest of the day in one big meeting.  I eventually left a little after 5:00 PM to get back for a run.

Unfortunately, Julia had a project to do for her classes, and we canceled the run.  Ah, well.  I gladly used the time to practice a bit more.


And when I got home, I ripped all the winterizing plastic stuff out of the windows and opened them all up. It was great, even though the first thing I heard afterward was some child crying across the street.  I don't mind, though.  The fresh air and breeze was really welcome.

I spent quite a while practicing, and then eventually stopped around 9:30 or so, I think, and decided to check on my finances instead.

I believe Matt has been placing my mail in the wrong box in our little inbox - I found all sorts of mail today... not in my thingy at all.  I'm glad I bothered to look before someone just threw it all out or something.  It had a new debit card, my 3-day pass for PAX, the Cambridge census, some junk mail, and my Commemorative Presidential White House Print for 2010.  Joy of joys - I didn't ask for a cheaply printed stylization of the White House, thanks.  I wish they'd stop wasting my money on crap I don't need or want.  It's basically an excuse for the Democratic National Committee to hit me up for money, as far as I can tell.  Whoop-di-doo.

Aaaanyway, maybe I'll head to sleep and read for a bit.  I kinda feel like I have a headache.  Overall, a good day.

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