
Sunday, March 21, 2010

Music in the park

Today I woke up at noon.

Julia and I were planning on heading down to JP for an Arternoon at Ian and Sarah's place at 2:00 PM.

So we did that.

By 1:00 or so, I found myself walking down Mass. Ave towards Harvard Square, guitar in tow.  I stopped at Simon's Cafe for a scone (Carberry's) and some coffee.  Julia and I met at the Church St. T entrance at around 1:30 or so.  We took the red line to Downtown Crossing, then Orange down to Green St.

Eventually, we ended up down by the Pond, sitting on a blanket, hanging out.  There was this couple playing mandolin/guitar there, and after a few moments of wondering whether I should interrupt the air with my own noises, decided to get my guitar out and enjoy myself regardless.  I went there to play, after all.

It was such a nice day.

We stayed at the pond until 4:30 or so, I think.  It was really nice to sit there, with other people around doing something musical, and actually feel like I was vaguely holding my own.  For almost the first time, I think, I kinda felt like I had a right to be there playing music.  That is a wonderful feeling.  I'm by no means great, and my repertoire is still pretty small, but I do actually have some ability.  Whew.

After that, Julia and I took the T back to Harvard Square, and walked back to our respective apartments.

I then proceeded to take a 45 minute nap.

Eric and I bummed around in the living room for a while before deciding to go to Christopher's around 11:00 PM.  In the meantime, I started downloading Starcraft II.

That download has finished.  We'll see how well this runs in a VM.  Gulp.

Here goes!

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