
Tuesday, March 9, 2010

An ambiguously productive day

Welcome to post one hundred!

Yes, at some point a few years ago, I started writing here.  There are perhaps a few dozen posts from 2007-2009, but the rest is all 2010, baby!  Here's to two hundred and beyond!

Julia and I went for a run this morning - the second of the week.  This one, as opposed to yesterday's, was actually of decent mileage.  It feels so good to be up, awake, and out in the morning at like 6:30 AM.  Glorious.  Changes my whole day.  We went from her place, down to the river, down to the Western Ave bridge, and back again.  Probably around 3 miles, give or take, I think.

After that, I wandered over to Dado for a breakfast of bagel, apple, and coffee.  Soft, delicious bagel.  Oh, yes.  Because I was so enraptured with my bagel, I got to work around 9:30 AM.  I think this was worth it, as practically no one was there anyway.

I'm a tad confused by what I'm trying to get done at work, and I'm slightly nervous about my productivity tomorrow.  I think I need to just make a decision and run with it, even if it's a bit off.  I'm trying to work out our documentation approach for all of our various widgetoids, and it's proving somewhat difficult.  Ah well.

After work, I went home, started some laundry, did... something?  I can't remember, and then left to head over to Justin and Ali's to watch LOST with a bunch of folks.  Yes, I've missed like five episodes since the season started.  (i.e., like, I saw the first and second, and haven't seen one since this one).  It more or less made sense anyway.  I finally gave Justin his birthday gift: a trio of Duke Ellington CDs.  I'm hoping they're good, and that he actually enjoys them!  It is Duke, after all.

I don't think Julia and I have decided where we're running from tomorrow.  This might have to be figured out in the AM.  Zonk.

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