
Tuesday, March 16, 2010


I didn't sleep very well last night.  Or, at least, I didn't sleep until 1:30 AM or so.  I think my crazy weekend finally caught up with me.  Unfortunately, as a result, I wasn't really in much shape for a run at 6:00 AM this morning.  It's weird calling someone at 6:00 AM and having them not be mad at you - but I gave Julia a call and we agreed to just leave it for the day.  It was dark.  We both didn't sleep spectacularly. A good day to go back to bed.

So I went back to bed and set my alarm for 8:00 AM.

And got up at 8:00 AM, feeling much better as a result.

At work, I finished up this documentation I'd been trying to complete, and started on The Next Big Thing.  I'm currently at the point where I know where to look to start, but don't know where to actually start.  It's a weird time, when you're just getting into something at the very beginning, and have scarcely a clue where to begin.  You hope that it'll start making sense as you go along.  You dread that it won't for whatever reason.

Around 2:30 or so, I took a little break, went out on the office roof deck, and called Mom.  Yay, Mom!  It was lovely to talk to her, standing in the sunshine.  We talked about Ocean Grove, and when I'll be coming home next (Easter?), and the race I ran on Sunday, and condos.  And I can't remember what else.  Eventually I went back inside, feeling fairly refreshed.

I stayed at work until 7:15 for a code review with Mahk.  (Yes, that's how I'll spell your name - ha hah!)  Got home around 8:00-ish, and set out for Justin and Ali's for LOST.

Got there around 8:45 PM or so, after having to backtrack because the po po's had blocked off route 60 (or whatever it is) where I'd normally take the over-land route through Belmont.  Proceeded to watch LOST and code for Dave Z.  Less ambitious projects are good.  

I picked up my jacket!  I'd left it at Justin and Ali's last week.  Oh, sweet, sweet jacket.  How I missed you.

Once I got home around 11:00 PM or so, I played guitar for a bit (West Coast Bluuuues), and then... sat down to write this.  And that's about it.

Whew.  Seriously glad today was a beautiful day.

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