
Thursday, March 11, 2010

Running, productivity, and the blues

Went for a pretty solid run this morning at 6:45 AM.  Down Mass Ave. to JFK Park, across the bridge on JFK Street, back up to the Elliot St. bridge, and back up through the neighborhoods to my place in Porter.  Probably a couple miles.  Thank goodness for running.

Work was... I think it was productive?  There's a gap in my memory of it - I'm not sure what I did for part of the day.  Must have been one of those days where time just sorta flies by.  Regardless, I feel like progress was made, somewhere-or-another.  Oh, that's right, we had a lunch time meeting about taxonomy.  Ultimately I came up with a proposal afterward that I'm going to quietly pass around.  I think when we get so many people in a room together talking about something like very abstract naming conventions, we're just bound to lose some focus; which is not to say it wasn't a productive meeting.  I think we identified the parts we couldn't agree on.  I'm hoping to have fixed that.

I went home around 5:00 PM or so, so that I could spend some time with West Coast Blues.  I've got the melody down today - faster than "stripper tempo," finally.  Still not like 120 bpm, but not bad.  A few more days with it will get it right.

I spent about two hours at Dave's tonight.  First we spent some time talking about software and programs he could use; about an hour. Then we eventually got around to a lesson from 9:00 - 10:00 PM or so.  Not bad.

And now I need to get to sleep so I can wake up bright and early to get out to The Deluxe Town Diner for Julia's birthday breakfast.  Good times and good food await.

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