
Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Short and semi-sweet

I woke up at 6:00 AM, figuring we'd go for a run.  Then read my e-mail, found out that Julia wasn't going to be available, and went back to sleep.  Until 7:50 or so.  Sleep is such an annoying thing.

Work proceeded along, with little of note.  There was a big gathering at the Dogpatch today, in our cafe area, so we all ate lunch in conference rooms.  Before lunch, Mark, Mahmoud and I took a little walk over to the mall to hit up an ATM.  Mahmoud did a little quick shopping.  Mark and I stood around for a few.  Then we went to Second Street, which was packed.

After work, I came home, had a little dinner of ravioli, then sat down and read The Gathering Storm.  I really dislike being too tired to feel like I can get anything else done.

... Yeah, that's about it.

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