
Sunday, March 14, 2010

Wicked Short

Today has been exceptionally short.

Since waking up at 3:00 PM, I've managed to go get dinner at Legal Sea Foods with Eric, Bonnie, Drew, Mike, and Ria, and then come home and read.  Dinner was pretty tasty, at least.  Kinda a stir fry sorta thing - I also had an avocado, tortilla, and goat cheese salad before that.

 I didn't accomplish much between waking up and dinner, however.  Now, I think I may read a little more and then try to crash.

It's been a very, very rainy, miserable day outside.  I'm really hoping tomorrow turns out better - it won't be any fun at all to run in the rain for this race.

... Yeah.  A short post, for a short day.  Goodnight, world!

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