
Sunday, March 7, 2010


Wow.  What an epic day.

I woke up at 9:00 AM.

I had breakfast, and bummed around for a chapter or two of The Gathering Storm.  Following that, at around 11:00 AM, I pumped up my bicycle's tires, gathered up my laptop and rode down to Harvard Square to visit The Dado.  The Dado was packed, but I found a seat.  Karin was there, but we didn't get a chance to even talk  until around 3:00 PM.  I spent some time writing, and also a bit getting a PHP app together and installing XAMPP again.  I set up a virtual host.  Good times.

After I left Dado around 3:00-ish, I rode through JFK park and then headed home via the back way up Concord/Garden/Raymond and all that.  Once I got home, I sat and read more of The Gathering Storm.  I think I've decided Egwene is my favorite character.  She's just so incredibly cool.  Like a thousand cucumbers.

Around 7:00 PM, I got ready to head out.  I was supposed to meet Eric, Jessi, and Eric's friend Emily at Mare (Richmond St) in the North End for dinner.  Jessi and I met at Park St. and walked over to the restaurant, getting there a few minutes early, and before Eric and Emily arrived.  We took the table, and Eric and Emily showed up a few minutes later.

Delicious meal.  I had some truffle/mushroom spaghetti which was delightful.  That, and a glass of Pinot Noir.  There were two plates of gnocchi between the women, and Eric had some tuna.  It looked like jelly to me.  Apparently not highly cooked, tuna looks like that?  News to me.

After we left Mare, we walked up the street to a gelato place.  I had three kinds - vanilla, espresso, and tiramisu.  All delicious in their own, lovely little ways.  Jessi had the same thing.  I think there was also some tiramisu between Emily and Eric as well.

Once we finished with our ice cream-ish stuff, we walked back to the T at Haymarket (which was disgustingly dirty on our way into the North End), and took the train down to the Mass Ave. stop.  A short walk saw us at Wally's Cafe.  We were there from approximately 10:30 or so until 1:15 AM (fifteen minutes after closing).  Excellent, excellent music.  I recognized the trumpeter from NEC - he was playing at Rani's "Brownie Speaks" event a few months back.  You're awesome, dude, if under some strange circumstances you happen to read this.  Spectacular.  The rest of the band was just as good.  Wonderful.

Whilst there, Jessi and I had drinks bought for us by a gentleman named Jamal, from New York.  He was in Boston picking up his car, as he'd bought a car, driven it to New York, taken the train back to Boston, and still needed to drive his original car back as well.  I ended up buying him a Sam.  Eric, Jessi and I all had a HopDevil from Victory - along with a few Fritos - it was delicious.

Around 1:00 AM, Wally's closed, but we stuck around for a few minutes chatting.  Eventually, we walked out, and found a few cabs - Jessi in one towards her place, Eric, Emily and I in the other back towards Porter.

And then I walked home.

And now, seriously, I should crash, cause I think Jessi and I are planning on hitting up a matinee of Alice In Wonderland tomorrow.

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