
Monday, February 22, 2010

Pencil thin? Pssh, handlebar, all the way!

A fine enough Monday, all told.

My morning involved reading a little ways into Getting Things Done, by David Allen.  It's always a pleasure to see things that are common sense, that you always thought were sensible, recorded as such by someone who has spent a great deal of time thinking about them.  It lends credence to ideas already in your head, and makes you more likely to actually carry them out.

That said, I want to go get a white board (maybe I can get the one I left at my parents' place?) and a bunch of sticky notes and go to town organizing myself.  It'll be so wondrous!  I already do it at work.  Why not at home?

I spent a little time during lunch with Cantaloupe Island, and got something I'm happy with for at least the first eight bars.  Now for the other twenty four.  This stuff takes a long time!  Hopefully Joel doesn't get to bugged by how long it's taking me.

After work, I went over to class at NEC, which went well.  During Ear Training, we were singing various intervals and chords and things, and I actually had a moment where I just plain knew what I was hearing, completely out of the blue.  That was exciting!  (It was a fourth.)  Awesome.  If this keeps up, I might actually be decent eventually.  I'm getting really excited about classes next year.  Ear Training II and Jazz Theory II will be really cool, I think, if I can manage to keep up.  It doesn't seem to be a problem in Theory; I'm slightly concerned about Ear Training though.

After class, I tried to find a place to practice somewhere in both the St. Botolph Street building, as well as in Jordan Hall.  No luck.  Every single room I found in both was full.  But, it was extremely cool to go wandering around Jordan Hall looking for rooms.  It's like a crazy old castle.  The hallways twist and turn, there are all these tiny rooms in the basement with little pianos in them, and as you walk through the halls you can hear any number of instruments, ensembles, and vocalists playing.  It's bustling, even at 9:00 PM on a Monday.  I think maybe I need to sign up for a room if I really want to use it.  Might have to write a sticky to figure that out.

After having no luck finding a room, I decided to just go home.

I got here.  I had a Corona and my remaining calzone from last night.  And then Matt and I watched Independence Day.

That's right, boys and girls.  Eye-Dee-Four.  Oh yeah.

I've been thinking lately about how life really does seem to be coming together lately.  I really don't feel adrift, lately.  I have classes, I have hobbies, I have good friends, and I feel like I (generally) have a plan.  It's a pretty good feeling.  Many of the details are hazy, but I have a number of things I'm working towards on at least four long term fronts and several other short term ones, and that's satisfying.  Now if I can just manage to organize myself to the point where I can pull together some additional propulsion, I'll be pretty damn well off.


That said, it's now 11:45 PM, and it's about time I got myself to sleep.  I'm tired of staying up really late, lately.  Time to turn in a tad earlier.

... And I was reading an FAQ about how to grow handlebar mustaches before writing this.  Oh, it's on.


Unknown said...

If you grow a handlebar you could compete in a contest:

DAJ said...

Dude, some of those beards put Gandalf to shame, and he's fictional.