
Monday, February 22, 2010

Long Runs

I got up today around 10:50 AM, after sleeping in for an extra hour or two.  It was glorious, though I imagine I'll pay for it tomorrow night and the next night when I try to get to sleep at a reasonable time.

I started out the day by trying to come up with a melody for Cantaloupe Island, failed miserably, and checked out some of my other, old Noteflight songs.  Some aren't half bad beginnings.  I spent most of the morning and early afternoon doing laundry and kinda bumming around - Julia and I were scheduled to go for a run at 2:00 PM, but she asked that we put it off until 3:00 PM, which was cool.  It gave me time to finish my laundry, which had all my running stuff in it anyway (oops).

At 3:00 or so, (I think we actually left around 3:15), we set out from my place and ran down Mass Ave. to the river.  Once there, we started to go downriver on the Cambridge side, crossed over the footbridge to the south side, and then continued on our merry way all the way to the Mass Ave. Bridge.  All told, I think it was approximately 4.7 miles, according to gmaps pedometer.  By my estimation of time, we supposedly did it in about 35 minutes.  Which sounds pretty good to me!  That's somewhere between 7-8 minute miles.  Ish.  Even if the time is off, it's still not like 9 or 10, which I might have expected for a close-to-5-mile run after having not run all winter.  Not bad.  At the beginning my shins were killing me - I think I forgot how to stride properly.  I figured it out about two miles in, then felt pretty good.

As we were running, we started saying random, weird phrases as we passed people, just to give them something interesting to listen to.  "And last month, when I was scuba diving in the Mississippi...", "When I was hiking the Himalayas the other day...", "And then I found out she was a man!"

... Things like that.  Good times.

After getting to the Mass Ave. Bridge, we walked ourselves all the way back to Harvard, where we got some coffee at Pete's (I also got a cinnamon chip scone), and then said our goodbyes for the day.  I was freezing at this point, and was thrilled to get on the T back to Porter, though, sadly, without company.

After a shower and gathering my stuff up, I drove out to Sudbury and got there around 6:00 PM.  Dave hadn't arrived yet.  Jason and Pete were there.  We sat around until 7:30 or so when Dave got there, then got on our way.

Personally, I'm having a blast running this whole Ragnarok thing.  It's a great time tying it all in to our existing story.  Hopefully everybody's having a good time.  Next week, I think we'll have Dave, Pete, Jason, Tom (!), and a guest appearance by Julia (!!!).  Or, well, a guest sit-in by Julia (!!).  I don't think she's interested in actually participating.  We'll see!

Anyway, seriously need to sleep.  Must get up and finish Cantaloupe Island.

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