
Sunday, February 7, 2010

I don't remember the name of the song

Today was excellent.  Disclaimer: I am very drunk.

First, I started out by waking up at 11:00 AM.  That's how a day starts good.

Then, by 1:00 PM, I was hanging out in Dado with my roommate Matt.  We chilled for a while, and eventually he went home, I switched to the "bar" and sat around and wrote for a few hours.  Awesome.  At 5:15 or so I returned home and plotted with Mr. Eric F. how the night should go.  It was his birthday!  He was planning to head to Atwood's Bar with some friends.  I wandered over to his place at 6:20 or so, we hung out, drank a beer, and then his friend Matt picked us up and we went to Atwood's.  Good food - I had a veggie burger and fries.

The evening started with this spectacular olde time band, then proceeded with a blues sorta  band.  Both were great.  I find myself staring at guitarists' and bassists' fingers while they're playing, trying to get a feel for what they're doing.  I'm feeling very meta when I listen to live music, lately.  I'm always trying to figure out what's going on.

After Atwood's, we went to the Phoenix Landing in Central.  It was a great time.  Matt (not my roommate - Eric's friend) and Gwen both had ID cards for MTV, and we skipped the line.  Matt is a total badass - awesome.  I was glad to buy him a beer, even if it was a Bud light.

We stayed at the Landing until around 1:45 dancing.  It was a great night  - wonderful people.  Eric has a great crew.

I have all sorts of reflections on social interactions in club/bar/music venue scenes.  They'll probably be lost in the ether.  Regardless, I had a really, really great time tonight.  Thanks, Eric, for inviting me out.

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