
Monday, February 1, 2010

Chapter Ten.

Today was a good day for random science fiction/fantasy stories, though I use science fiction as a qualifier simply to differentiate the type of "fantasy" I'm referring to, so you don't get confused and worried that this blog is about to include a bit too much information.  

So I've been reading the Wheel of Time, as mentioned numerous times before, and I just reached chapter Ten of book eleven.  Excellent chapter!  I'm thrilled, though the possibility exists that someone reading this might receive a spoiler as a result of my expounding upon why I'm excited by this chapter - thus, I will dispense with further description.

Regardless, I've been waiting for it for a long, long time.  Awesome!

In other, related news (re: the first paragraph here), we had what felt like a pretty good Ars session today, which I ran for the most part.  Our characters are all embroiled in Ragnarok (Yeah, the end of the Norse mythos), so we as players keep doing all this research into what would supposedly transpire.  I, currently, seem to be playing the universe conspiring to make Ragnarok happen (or not happen!), and everybody else is trying to navigate events and figure out what's going on and why we seem to be stuck at the beginning of the process.  Three years of winter have come and gone, all of Europe is freaking out, the year is 1255, and for some reason the frickin' Jotunn and AEsir aren't gettin' their fight on.  Loki seems to be missing (what else would a trickster do than not be where he's supposed to be?), and stuff is generally messed up. 

But it went pretty well.  They figured some stuff out.  Next week should be fun!

Otherwise, I sat around today and made orange juice / Cracklin' Oat Bran pancakes, cleaned the kitchen, read a book, and planned for tonight's game.  All in all, a lovely Sunday. 

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