
Monday, February 1, 2010

A Monday of Substance, or, How I Came Up With More Than 200 Characters of Labels

Today was another trip to our client's office.  Hillary, Tara, and I set out from Porter Sq. at 9:45 AM, and had a few hours of meetings regarding the design of the apps we're creating.  In Hillary's words, "It's so nice to start the work week with a road trip!"  I agree - it was a nice change of pace.

We got back to our office in the afternoon, and after sitting around eating lunch, I got an IM from one of the project managers on our clients' side. Turns out I was 27 minutes late for a meeting.

Now, when I say this, I want you to envision it being said by someone who hates, hates, hates to make a bad impression, and generally tries very hard to appear on to of his shit:


I.  Am.  Such.  A.  Moron.  I hurried into a conference room and apologized profusely (but with dignity!) on the phone after I called in.  They were all very gracious about it - apparently they had some other topics to talk about while they were waiting.  Whew.  Thanks, guys.

After work, I went over to class at the Conservatory, which went pretty well today.  Not like last week!  We got last semester's "quizzes" (read: final exams) back, and I got an "A Excellent."  Woo!  This is proof, at least, that I can seem to manage basic music theory pretty well, even if I don't have the chops to play half of what we talk about.  Even Ear Training went okay today.  I need more practice.  My ears, they remain half trained.

Mondays are always fairly devoid of interest beyond points such as those above; I go straight from work to school to exhausted.

Haha, that was funny, see, I mixed locales and states of being.  Ho ho.

Ha ha.  Hoooo.

Did I mention I was exhausted?

I think I need to start spending an hour or so in the morning practicing my musicking.  Holy crap, musicking is a word?  It didn't highlight it as incorrectly spelt.  Is spelt a word?  Seems to like that too - I would have assumed that should be spelled.  Damn English!  So complex.

Anyway.  I like Red Stripe.  Hooray, responsibility!

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