
Friday, February 12, 2010

A long fuzzy day

"Fuzzy" seems the most accurate way to describe the state of my brain today.

I was fuzzy on details, fuzzy on my ability to walk, fuzzy on what words to use, fuzzy on what I was doing at any given time, and fuzzy on what I needed to do to fix any of the above varieties of fuzziness.

But at least I had curry tofu for lunch, and people were nice.  Thanks for the scone, Mark!

I cancelled my guitar lesson today because of said fuzz.  Instead I went home and dealt with Media Temple for a while.  Ninety percent of this time consisted of meandering around an installation of Drupal, getting to know it.  The other ten percent consisted of trying to clean said install off my server once I decided I wanted to move it.  Bastages.  Ah, well, I'll fix it later.

I should really go to sleep.  My throat doesn't even really hurt that much at the moment, though I don't appreciate all the sniffing.

Grr, sniffing.

Is this making any sense?  I tried to write a bit today, didn't get too far.  I need to spend some time on character backstory so I can understand where these people are coming from.  Without that, it's pretty difficult to write about where they're going.

Umm.  I'm not really sure anything else happened.

Oh!  I went to the grocery store and picked up a few things.  Go me!  If I can remember to do that once a week or so, I might actually have things to eat in the house.  Regardless, I still ate cheese, crackers, and hummus for dinner.  Sigh.

Ah well.  Wow, sleep time.

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