
Monday, February 15, 2010


I did two things today.  Well, maybe a few more than two, if you want to starts splitting hairs, or if you want to include things that happened today before I went to sleep.

I think I was reading last night until 4:00 AM.  I mention this so that you'll understand why the following statement is at least somewhat reasonable:  I woke up this morning at 11:30 AM.  After getting myself together and out the door, I walked down to Harvard Square to sit in Dado for the third day in a row.  This time, however, I spent the entire time (from approximately 1:00 PM to 6:45 PM) working on some stuff for work, trying to make sure this project doesn't accidentally get behind.  I mostly finished off one of our widgets - it just needs a bit of branding and should be done.

Randomly around 3:00 PM, I look up to see Julia waving at me on the other side of the glass.  "Hi," I wave.  "Hi," she waves back.  "Hi," waves the high school friend with her (Sean?  Shawn?  One of the two!).  The pair of them come inside and we chat over the heads of the other patrons for a few minutes.  The place was, by the way, completely packed today almost the entire time I was there.  It was really surprising.  I just barely got a seat at all when I showed up.  After our brief chat, she and her friend left, and I went back to work.

Following my time at Dado, I got on the Red line and took it down to Park, following the trip with the all too familiar wait for the Green (E) line, and the generally-packed trip out to Symphony.  We didn't have Jazz Theory tonight - just Ear Training.  All in all, the class went really well, I think.  I had a few issues hearing random chords near the end, but for the most part I was on it.  It felt pretty good.

After class, I hopped back on the Green line to head home, saw an Annalisa doppelganger get on the train at Copley, and eventually arrived home around 9:22 PM.  At least, that's what was on my clock when I walked into my room.

Since then, I've had salad with balsamic vinegar and some Wheat Thins, cheese, and hummus for dinner.    I am currently drinking a Tsingtao.  I think, now that I've been drinking it for a bit, that it's unfortunately my least favorite of the various Asiatic beers out there.  Kirin is good, 33 Vietnam was pretty tasty, and Sapporo has its days.  Tsingtao is just sorta... Hmm.  It's okay.

Anyway!  I'm now going to try to relax for the next hour and a half before I go to sleep.  Seems like a good idea.

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