
Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Yawny Since Afternoon

I have indeed been yawning since around 4:00 PM.  Oof.  Today was, I think pretty productive.  Not like crazy productive or anything, but pretty good.  I spent a significant amount of time in the evening editing sample product images for work.  They're all shirts.  But now they say "Alternate 1 (Standard)" and "Alternate 2 (Zoom)" on them and stuff.

Woohoo.  So, yeah.  Anyway.

I purchased a microphone tonight, because the one on this computer isn't exactly suitable for recording anything.  I'm sorta looking forward to recording some songs and getting used to hearing my own voice played back.  I am, in general, terribly shy about things like singing, even if I love doing it.  Hell, I'd rather sing than bother to play an instrument.

Hmm, interesting that I can just say that and know that it's probably... yeah, it's true.  Maybe I'm studying the wrong thing?  Hmm!  Well, baby steps, Mr. David.  Or something.  What is brought up casually is not necessarily an easy thing to casually do.

I've discovered that if I eat lunch late, I can get a ton of stuff done during lunch.  It's kind of pleasant - gives me a longer stretch of uninterrupted time at the beginning of the day when I'm still fresh.

I've been listening to The Hazards of Love, by The Decemberists, almost non-stop for the past few days.  It just keeps getting better and better each time I listen through it.

I think I may use my remaining time this evening reading a book.  That'll be just lovely.

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