
Saturday, February 27, 2010

Creative day.

Currently sitting in Dado with my laptop and guitar.  The former in use (obviously), the latter in its case.  It's a little early for my usual daily report, but I feel like it.  So there!

I think I woke up at 11:45 or so this morning, after last night's Starcraft II excursion.  I had a dream last night that Andrew Bird's song Sovay was a cover off some recent U2 album or something.  I'm pretty sure it's not.  But in the dream, the connection was a miraculous, wonderful discovery.

Eric and I sat around and watched a bit of some movie called Liberty... something... I can't remember the other word.  It's got a bunch of people dealing with racism in, like, the 40s. From what I saw, it seemed pretty good.

I've just had an excellent bagel sandwich - sesame bagel, red pepper hummus, greens, tomato, red onion, cucumbers, and swiss.  Delightful, and well complimented with some lemon ginger tea with real, giant pieces of both in it.

I think I've reached the sit-and-be-creative portion of my day, though, truthfully, so far the whole day has been kinda like that.  After waking up, I had a bite to eat, and then dove into learning the chords and melody of West Coast Blues.  I got through the vast majority of it, which was nice.  I left home at 3:45 or so for a lesson with Dave Z over at Jordan Hall at 4:45 PM.  I got there just in time.  With coffee, so, yeah, awesome.  We talked about the soloing chord changes (more complex than the melody chord changes), and about how you might do somethin' jazzy over them.  Some day, some day, I'll be able to do that, I'm sure.  For now I'm still a bit mystified by the spidery, wandering jazz solo.  Some day.

So that's that, for now.  Might very well write another one tonight.  Woohoo!

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