
Monday, February 8, 2010

How much is a 2000 Dodge Stratus with 42k miles worth?

Today began at 10:30 AM when my alarm went off.

By 11:00 AM, I was outdoors, bedecked in winter running attire, awaiting the arrival of Ms. Julia for our non-regularly scheduled Sunday morning run.  We made it down to the river (via Mass. Ave.), crossed the foot bridge, and came back on JFK.  It was, all told, a pretty short run.  I felt sorta crappy, given my very late and inebriated night approximately 7-8 hours before.  Sorry for that, Jules!  I'll do better next time.

After our run, which ended with us walking up Mass. Ave. again, we stopped into Simon's Cafe (I think that's what it's called?) on the way to Porter and procured some coffee and some blueberry scones.  The coffee was, primarily, a french roast.  Except that they ran out half way through one of the cups - one of us had half house, half french, though we couldn't say which.  It might have been me.  Regardless, both scone and coffee were tasty.  We walked back up the street and hung around in my living room for a bit, sconin' it up, and she left around 12:30 or so.

Following that, I sat myself down to try to get a few things done, and mostly accomplished nothing at all.  I did manage to plan a bit for our Ars game tonight, which was good.  Otherwise, I was feeling really groggy and sleepy, so by around 2:00 PM or so I crawled back into bed (hoodie and all) and went back to sleep until around 4:00 PM.  YEAH for mid-Sunday naps!

From 4:00 PM to 5:30 PM I bummed around for a bit, before heading over to Jason's place to pick him up. We had a lovely little drive out to Sudbury in my creaking car, and a good night of gaming.  I got to play Jason's "Bicycle" Magic deck - killed two players simultaneously.  It's named "Bicycle" because it's a cycling deck, and it kills two people at once, thus the "bi".  Not bad.  It's a one trick pony, though, so we put it away after it's one win.

Now, I'm going to look up the value of my car on a blue book, because in the back of my mind I'm thinking about selling it, and then I'm going to go to sleep.

Oh, yeah, and I hear that Super Bowl stuff happened tonight.  Good on you, Saints!

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