
Saturday, February 20, 2010

Little Shop! Little Shop of Haughrawwws!

Yes, the time is now 4:17 AM.

Work today went pretty well, given that I only got 5-6 hours of sleep.  I think I went to bed at around 3:00 AM after finishing Knife of Dreams; Jordan's last book.  It's kinda sad to finish out an author's entire life's work.  Now I get to see how the new guy handles the series.

At lunch, Erik and I ordered Thai - Tofu yellow curry.  Delicious.

After work, I went with Mr. Daniel off to the Cambridge Brewing Company to meet with a former coworker of his for drinks and conversation.  I had CBC's vegetarian lentil burger, which was actually quite delicious.  Daniel's friend was a cool guy - I missed his name when we sat down, unfortunately.  After leaving CBC, I wandered over to Lord Hobo, which, it turns out, is a bar a little bit up the way from Kendall on Hampshire.  Cool enough place.  There was a small line to get in - I must have waited about 15 minutes, I think.

Eric F. and Gwen were hanging out, and we had a few beers.   Eric and I each had a glass of some wicked delicious tequila.  Don Julio 1942, I think?  It was quite nice.  Smelled a bit like vanilla to me.

After leaving Lord Hobo, the three of us walked to Gwen's place up around Inman to fetch some movies.  We said "Hi!" to her husband.  Following that, we grabbed Labyrinth and Little Shop of Horrors and took the T back to Eric's place in Porter.

We then proceeded to watch Labyrinth and enjoy a bottle of wine.

We then proceeded to watch Little Shop of Horrors and enjoy said bottle of wine.  I fell asleep, kinda, through part of Labyrinth.  Eric fell asleep through parts of both.  Gwen sat enraptured by the whole experience and quoted most of the movies.  Around 3:45, our movies over, Gwen and I left, and I proceeded to temporarily leave this laptop and my bag behind, which Eric kindly reminded me of via the telephonomajig.  Thanks, dude!

Anyway, a lovely night.  Time to go to sleep.

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