
Thursday, February 18, 2010

Children, Calls, Coding, Cereal, Corona, and Catching up on sleep


So my brother and the kiddos left this morning.  I spent at least 45 minutes lying in bed reading to them while Chris packed up everything and took it out to the car.  That was a lot of fun!  As a result, I got to work a bit later than I would have preferred.  But, just in time for a 10:00 AM call, luckily.

I accomplished what needed to be accomplished today, which involved sending a bunch of e-mail and actually getting some coding done.  WOO coding!  I like coding.  Coding is fun.  Coding is special.  YEAH!


I left work at approximately 5:00 PM so I could get home, get some practice, and remind myself what West Coast Blues is like.  Swingin' song.  Oh, and I had some cereal.  Oh, and I took an hour or so to re-arrange my furniture again.  Not that I'm making it different than it was, but rather that I'm arranging it in its old positions again.  6' by 6' tents, you know.  They take up room, and I had to move stuff all out of the way.

Following the lesson, which went okay, though I feel like we didn't have a lot to bring to the table today, I came home, had a Corona, and ate some trail mix while cleaning up my inbox.  1600 messages from last February?  ARCHIVED, biotch!

Umm.  ... yeah.  Uneventful - I'm going to go catch up on some sleep.

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