
Saturday, February 6, 2010

Getting lightninged in the teeth.

Whooah, late post.  Let's see, where to begin!

Today started a bit late, as I (unfortunately) slept in a bit and ended up getting to the shower after Eric and Matt, which usually sets me back about an hour, it seems like.  Or at least 40 minutes.  Work went smoothly enough - I got a lot done and finished up some stuff.  Unfortunately I didn't get a chance to leave the office around lunch time to go fix my registration issues at the Conservatory - I'll just have to get down there Monday.

I was pleased to hear today that Mr. Daniel will cease to be, merely, Mr. Daniel, but will indeed take on the salutation of Chief Architect Daniel.  I'm glad to see that after several years of ill defined structure, we've properly defined our development team again, and what's more, such formal definition has followed the lines of the informal organization that has emerged organically through his excessive awesomeness.  So way to go!

After work, I moseyed on over to Jason and Kat's place for a bit of Magic carding, a bit of Chinese food eating, and a bit of Trigun and Willow watching.  Pretty good.  I left there perhaps half an hour ago, which is why I find myself home so late.

(Para)phrase of the night, "George Lucas just loves to lightning people in the teeth!"  Or the popular variation, "Oh GOD no!  Don't lightni- GAH!  Don't lightning her in the teeth!"

Yeah.  That's how it is in Willow and Star Wars land(s)!

I think tomorrow I may visit Dado for some relaxation.  I've been mostly looking forward to it all day.

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