
Sunday, February 21, 2010

Social Saturday

I woke up at noon.

Hell yeah.

At 12:50 or so, Ms. Wags gave me a call to suggest we head out to JP for an Arternoon (that there being an art-afternoon for those uncomfortable with word mash-ups).  I said that sounded excellent.

After composing myself and getting on my way, I arrived at the designated meeting spot (read: Dado) in Harvard Square, got some coffee and a scone, and we were on our way.  Julia met Karin, which is like two disparate halves of my life coming together in friendly banter.  It, unfortunately, took us a long time to get out to JP.  We took the Red line out to Park, the Green line out to Symphony, and then the 39 bus out to... where we were going.  (Somewhere near Green St. on the Orange line, Boomerangs, and the Center St. Cafe.)  We got there at 3:30, which was only an hour and a half later than expected.  Oops.

Sitting around at Sarah and Ian's, we each did our thing.  I wrote for a little bit - character backgrounds - Jules and Sarah collaged, Ian seemed to be making a chart of a molecule.  Good times.  After an hour or so, I bust out the guitar and learned the chords for West Coast Blues.  Or, at least, the A section of it.  We ended up leaving JP around 5:30, and I was back at home around 6:15, I think.  We decided to try taking the Orange line home (thus the Green St. bit) and it turned out to be much faster.

At 7:30 or so, I left home again and walked to Harvard Square to meet up with Annalisa for dinner.  We decided to go to Cambridge 1, which was (as always) delicious.  I had a lovely pinot noir - two glasses of it.  It was awesome to see Annalisa - it's sad to me that she's not at Allurent anymore.  Such a spectacular person to have around.  We had a number of hours of lovely conversation.  After Cambridge 1, we went over to Shay's and had a beer or two.  I think we left around midnight, or there abouts.  I walked home from Harvard Square - it's a glorious night.

On the way in to Harvard Square, I had all these great thoughts about the story I've been writing, which I was unable to write down because of a lack of paper.  (I had a pen).  Instead, I ended up dictating them to my phone.  Such good stuff.  The whole thing makes a lot more sense now, and it all (amazingly) just sorta came to me as I was walking along.

Tomorrow I need to get some homework done, maybe get some work done, go for a run at 2:00 PM with The Wags, do laundry, and plan effin' Ragnarok.  Oh, yeah, we're back, after a week off.  I'm excited.

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