
Thursday, February 4, 2010

Dwah, dwah do-be-do-do

Going to client offices is, ultimately, exhausting.  Simply the act of going to some foreign place where you're trying to do your best to be helpful, explain things, solve problems, etc., is rough.

So, yeah, by 3:00 PM I was frickin' done.

I left the office around 5:00 PM and went home to practice and choose some songs that I want to learn to play next.  I chose West Coast Blues (Wes Montgomery), cause I like it.  At my lesson, Dave was playing Killer Joe (I forgot the name of the personage who wrote it), and we decided maybe I should learn that one too.

Uhh.  Oh!

So this morning I got up all nice and early and headed out a bit after 8:00 AM so I could meet Tara and Hillary in Porter.  I ended up at Cafe Zing in the Porter Square Book Store, hanging out, drinking coffee, eating a lemon scone.  It was crumbly and delicious.  Some woman came into the place after tying up her little puppy on a bench outside.  I watched the dog kinda wander around in a circle a bit, sit, decide it was too cold to sit, stand, try to sit again, get cold and stand, etc.  Then, she goes back outside and the dog freaks out with happiness to see her, jumping all over her.  I think it was just about the cutest thing ever.  The woman next to me turned and goes, "Oooh!  Thank goodness Mom is back!"  Exactly what he must have been thinking.

There, that's your cute moment of the day.

... And that's about all I got.  Long day, but a good one, generally.

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