
Monday, February 15, 2010

V-Day; it's kinda like D-Day but with less guns. Kinda.

Today turned out pretty well, all told.

I woke up around 10:30 or so, got myself together, and found myself sitting in The Dado by around noon.  I had a scone.  I had some coffee, which turned out to be large even though I'm pretty sure I ordered a small.  Both of the kind girls behind the counter were wearing red shirts; presumably in honor of the day.

I made a point not to wear any, given my mood this morning.

For two hours or so, I sat in Dado and slowly wrote the beginning of a song in Noteflight.  Good job, Joe B.  It's a really cool app.  Around 1:45 Julia called me and asked if we were still on for a run at 2:00 PM.  I said "Ahh!" and asked if we could push it to 2:15 PM.  Kindly, she said, "YEP."

I hightailed it back home and got myself ready to go, and got outside to find her waiting.  We ran from my place down to Harvard Square, across the Western Ave. bridge, back across the foot bridge, and back through JFK park.  Then we took a pleasant walk back to her place, had some tea and muffins (thanks, Paul!), and chatted for a bit.  Then I took what would turn out to be the first of three trips, on my part, between Craigie and Richdale, and the only one during which I ran.  It was cold, and I was wearing shorts - I kept warm by running.  Prior to leavin, she invited me back for pizza with Paul and Marley around 7:00 PM, I happily accepted.

Upon returning home, I took a quick shower, then bummed around and read some more of Knife of Dreams.  Around 6:45, after waking Julia up with a phone call, I walked back down to Craigie - all bundled up against the cold - and we had a lovely dinner of pizza, delicious dips for the copious crust, and beer.  Awesome.  The pizza was totally delicious - cheese with squash.

Around 8:30 or so Julia and I headed out for this shin dig down on Comm. Ave.  It was at the apartment of a dude she met on the bus back from New York City one time (I know, right?).  It was his roommate's birthday (Ike), along with someone else's birthday whom I don't think I ever met.  I did, however, meet many people.  I met a Nadia, a Julia, a Stuart, an Amanda, a Sam, an Eric, an Ike, a John, a Brendan (I think), and a bunch of other folks whom, were I to meet them again, I would have to apologize to for forgetting their names.  Jessi Dub showed up after a bit, and we hung out.  It was good to see another familiar face.  Outside of talking to Jules and Jessi, I spent a good chunk of the evening talking to Nadia, who, it turns out, is from Siberia.  At midnight or so Julia and Jessi planned to leave, and I regretfully didn't allow my new Russian friend to convince me to stay longer.  It seemed like it'd be a good idea to actually catch the last T back into Boston.  Julia gave her her card, somewhat on my behalf.  It's a weird, weird world we live in.  I'm not much of a "Hey, can I get your phone number?" sorta guy.  That's way more forward than I'm capable of.

But, anyway, back to the T. Unfortunately, we missed it, as we were informed by a trolley driver dude headed in the opposite direction.

Walking from Washington St. to Harvard Ave., we considered trying to catch a bus for a good 15 minutes.  No buses were forthcoming.  Eventually we gave up and hailed a few cabs, Julia and I in one headed back towards Cambridge, Jessi in the other headed back to her place in... Brookline, I believe.

We took the cab back to Julia's place, and I had a lovely walk back to mine (the third trek of the evening).  I didn't feel like dealing with splitting the fare in some weird way after letting her off.  Besides, it was a pleasant night.

And here I am.  Not bad.  My hand still has a blue "X" on it from last night.

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