
Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Holy shit, I forgot Wednesday!

Holy crap!  I forgot to write on Wednesday!  God damn!  That's the first day all year.  I guess I have an excuse - I'm sick.  Did I not mention that Wednesday?  I guess not!  Gah!  That's fine, I'll backdate this.  But just for posterity, this was written at 12:04 AM on Friday, right after the previous post for Thursday.

Wednesday was a mess.  I stayed home from work and worked about a half day - the other half of it I slept, trying not to feel so messed up.  We expected it to snow all day long, and it never really did.  We got a dusting.  I ordered some vegetables (pho and curry) from Le's in the evening cause there was no way I was going to walk to the store, and silly me ran out of food.  I barely remember what I did in the evening.  It must not have been terribly interesting.  I think it involved watching the Daily Show.  I also watched the "Vice Guide to North Korea," which was incredible.  What a scary, freaky place.

I don't think I really accomplished much else on Wednesday.  It was a weird, backwards day, which is probably why I completely forgot to write.  I got back into bed at 10:00 PM or so and read Knife of Dreams until about 11:30 PM, then went to sleep.  It never even crossed my mind that I should write down how useless I was for the day!

There, how's that?  Oh, and I drank an entire liter of orange juice, I think.  Booyah.

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