
Tuesday, February 23, 2010

From one end to the other

I woke up a tad late this morning, then proceeded to sit on the couch and play guitar for a bit.  I don't really know why - I just wasn't feeling rushed to get in the shower.  Eric kindly told me that my playing had improved a lot over the last year.  I can kinda see that sometimes - others, not so much.

I arrived at work at roughly 9:30 AM, and worked through until 6:30 or so, I think.  I believe that's when it was.  After work, Daniel and I went over to The Friendly Toast for dinner and a beer.  I had pancakes and a Robust Porter (Smuttynose).  He had french toast and Smuttynose's IPA.  We talked about all sorts of things - a lovely conversation.  I think next time I'll go with the french toast - it looked delicious.  They were playing Neutral Milk Hotel and Wilco.  Not bad.

After leaving The Friendly Toast (around 8:30 or so), I decided to walk over to Central rather than back to Kendall, since I was already part of the way there.

So I walked down Main St. to Central, singing Wilco songs.

Once I got to Central, I decided, heck, it's a nice enough night, why not walk over to Harvard?

So I walked to Harvard singing Animal Collective songs.

Once I got to Harvard, I attempted to stop in at the Staples there, but it was unfortunately about 9:30 PM, and they were half an hour closed.  Instead I stopped into a CVS (ugh) to look for sticky notes.  They only had big, boring, manilla ones.  I got a new toothbrush and some toothpaste instead.

 I also thought I might stop by Dado to see if Karin was still there, as she seemed to be having a rough start to her day this morning.  She didn't seem to be around (they were long since closed, but still cleaning up).  Once I ran out of things to do in Harvard, I thought to myself, well, I've walked this far, why not go all the way across Cambridge?

So I walked from Harvard to Porter singing Smashing Pumpkins B-sides.

And then I got home.  And now my legs are tired.  The end!

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