
Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Shiny teefs

Today was another whirlwind.

Honestly, I'm not even sure what I did today at work.  A million meetings.  Some planning.  A lot of talking (coordinating) with people.  At least I had Indian for lunch (brought from home, procured from India Castle yesterday night).

I left work at 4:50 or so, as I needed to get across Cambridge to the dentist to have a filling from when I was a kid redone.  Guess it's held up pretty well, but was starting to get old.  So now I have a new, non-metal, more-or-less invisible filling.  Basically looks like normal tooth.  Cool beans.  Yay, modern dental technology!  The receptionist at the office was cute - I was the only one there (she was, in fact, startled when I walked in), and we had a lovely little chat, brief as it was.  And she had great glasses.

I walked myself back to Harvard Square after my appointment, which was all of half an hour, to get a gift for Justin's birthday.  It being that there's a distinct possibility that he might read this at some point, if he happens to come across it, I won't mention what that was.  Unfortunately, when it came time to head over to Justin and Ali's apartment for birthday parting and LOST, I completely forgot the gift on my dresser.  Argh!  I'll just have to give it to him next week... which means I'll probably be heading back for LOST next week.  Hrm.

Oh, and I opened my new microphone today.  It's all shiny and a'sparkly.  It arrived at work yesterday, and I was in such a rush that I just left it on my desk in its Amazon box.  It amazes me the amount of technical knowledge that emerges when people in that office see musical equipment.  I opened it, and the next thing I know Mark and Mark are waxing knowledgeably on all sorts of mics and things.  I know nothing!  Nothing!  I almost felt silly.

Justin and Ali's was fun.  We had snacks and cake with strawberries and whipped cream (home made).  It was spectacular.  Ria and I had fun taking pictures of pictures of pictures, etc.  Another busy, successful day.

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