
Wednesday, January 6, 2010

I think I need some water.

It's funny how some days you get a lot done on one thing, some days you're scattered in a million places, and some days you have a few big, chunky things that you work on and (hopefully) complete.

Today was, all told, one of those last ones. I spent some time finishing up some existing work, had a few meetings about a new project, and generally... well, spent big chunky amounts of time on several things.

Not so bad.

I'm having a spectacular time making up blogs around here for every imaginable sort of writing I might like to do. I haven't even used half of them yet, but it makes me happy just to know they're there. Some day I may actually get around to writing stories again. At the moment, it doesn't seem like I'm able to pull together the mental energy to do it. Maybe I need to go back and re-read some old stuff to get in the spirit of things again.

Where is all that? I'm sure I have it around here somewhere...

I'm not sure how to balance that with making music. It's hard to have two time consuming hobbies, one of which demands practice, the other of which simply demands time.

There's a part of me that thinks that I would be okay if I just stopped taking music classes and lessons. I just can't decide if that part is correct. It would be pleasant to be able to spend more of my time working on programming and writing (two things at which, as I've said before, I'm already pretty good), but I don't know that I really want to just stop what I'm currently doing, either.

Unfortunately, I think the next semester is starting at the Conservatory, and I kinda need to figure that out right now.

I think that's my final thought tonight.


Unknown said...

I suspect some of your thinking around music versus writing versus programming is being influenced by flow. Music right now is probably still a medium to high challenge for you but you have only achieved a low to medium skill level, which general leads to worry and anxiety. My advice would be to take more music classes. I lost track of the number of times I wanted to quit while working on my masters but in the end I knew continuing was the right thing to do. Now I'm happy I did.

DAJ said...

Huh! I'd never read that. Thanks! That's probably exactly what's up.

As often seems to be the case, part of my issue seems to come down to time. I'm not yet willing to forego one of these things for the other completely, but in order to achieve a higher skill level, I imagine I'll have to.