
Saturday, January 16, 2010


Today, I woke up at around 9:30 AM or so, puttered around for a few minutes, and then started gathering up a few days worth of stuff, and got myself ready to drive to Connecticut.

By 11:00 AM I was on the road, and made excellent time down to New Haven. When I got there (here, in fact), I arrived just in time to see my brother pulling into his drive way and my mom getting out of her car. I walked up to her and announced, "Need some help with your bags?" and her jaw dropped when she turned around. Apparently no one mentioned that I'd be coming today! I love surprising her.

My dad and brother were out back, putting shingles on the roof of the new studio. I changed into some workin' clothes and climbed up with them, and we spent from around 2:00 PM until 5:00PM (I think?) finishing up the roof. Awesome.

Oh! And today is my parents' anniversary. Thirty nine years; so we went to the ol' North Haven Panera Bread Company franchistablishment for dinner. Classy. That said, man I love that place. So delicious. The boys ran amok around and under the table and I ate lots of bread.
On the way home, we stopped briefly at some shop called Gourmet Heaven, where my brother picked up some red velvet cake with cream cheese frosting for dessert. It was, indeed, spectacular. Good on you, folks of Gourmet Heaven.

In the evening, after the boys went to sleep, my brother and I watched Dr. Strangelove. What a wacky, excellent movie. Good job, James Earl Jones. You make a great twenty-something bombardier.

And I think I have to leave it there.

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