
Monday, January 18, 2010

A whirlwind through New York, or, short lists.

Today I basically did two things.

1) Bummed around for 2 hours at my brother's house while everyone else was at church.

2) Was treated to a day trip down to lower Manhattan.

The first went pretty much how you might expect. The second was pretty awesome. We drove down to NYC from noon until 2:00 PM, and my brother and I went to The New Museum for an hour or two while Aleksandra and the boys went to a birthday party. Cool museum. Very lightly populated with work - there was an entire floor that contained:

1) A croissant floating in mid air with a small, red butterfly perched on it like the boy fishing from the moon.

2) A purple sculpture of a piano which looked as if it had been melted.

3) A tiny hole in one wall. If you stood in front of it and looked in, a tongue stuck out of the hole at you.

... And that was it.

Following our wanderings through the museum, we met up with Aleksandra and the boys and had dinner at a little restaurant owned by a nice lady. I had a little grilled vegetable sandwich (which was awesome), a little shiraz, and a little cookie or two. Perfect.

Then we drove home, and upon arrival the three of us spent the remainder of the evening playing canasta. Then I read a book for an hour or two, until now.

And now, if I'm smart, I'll go to sleep!

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