
Sunday, January 10, 2010

How did I wake up so late? Oooh yeah, I went to bed really late.

You didn't think I'd forget, did you?

Really? Well I did.

Just got home from Jason and Kat's, brushed my teefs, and found my way into bed. We had a dinner-and-a-movie night which involved grocery trips to both Russo's and Stop & Shop for ingredients. The end result was a crazy stir fry of epic proportions, including portabella mushrooms, water chestnuts, baby corn, red pepper, carrots, celery, tofu, broccoli, sugar snap peas, basil, a concoction of multiple sauces, and long grain rice. I'm probably forgetting something else that was in there.

All said, it was delicious, complimented by a Sam Winter beer of some sort.

While Kat and I were making dinner, Jason ran out again to Best Buy (industrious guy that he is) and got a DVD of District 9, which we proceeded to watch once the food was made. Pretty good movie - it'd be interesting to see how it would have been different if it took place somewhere in the United States, rather than Johannesburg. Maybe it wouldn't be all that different, I don't know. Apartheid and racism are strange, unfortunate things.

The rest of today, prior to our dinner extravaganza, involved sorting papers. Literally. That was the rest of the day.

I woke up at 11:30 AM to a confirmation phone call from my dentist. I believe she said I have a check-up at 10:30 AM on the 15th. I might have to call back and re-confirm. After stumbling around for a little while, I showered, cleaned myself up, and started to think I might head out and go somewhere, just to get outside. Instead, I slowly ate trail mix all day and attempted to organize the vast quantities of paper than inevitably build up in my office and bedroom. I made it through organizing it all into groups (bank statements here, receipts to be shredded there, instruction manuals over that way, etc.), and managed to shred all the things that required shredding. Beyond that, many of the papers are still in piles, though at least they're organized now.

That carried me from about 12:30 PM until 5:00 PM when I tried to leave to head over to Jason and Kat's. I spent approximately 10-15 minutes scouring the apartment for my house keys, and eventually found them in my coat pocket. I need to find some consistent place to put these things; at the moment they just end up anywhere and everywhere.

... In fact, I think they may be in the coat pocket again. I don't even know. Rather than check, I think I'm going to read a bit and go to sleep. A short, yet fun Saturday.

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