
Monday, January 11, 2010

Two faces (two faces!). Two faces, are all that you have.

I keep having these days filled with like... two activities.

This morning I woke up at 9:00 AM or so, got myself all ready, and headed down to Boston to have dim sum with Daniel and some of his friends at Empire Garden (I believe that's the name?). An excellent time was, I hope, had by all. :) It's always more difficult on other people than it is on me, I think, when we go somewhere that there's not a lot of vegetarian food. I've learned, over many years, to expect that the possibility exists that there won't be anything on the menu I can eat. That's cool. I always go places for the company, and if the food's good too, all the better. :) (And for the record, the food was good, and there were things I could eat, we just had to find them!).

But anyway, that's why I'll go to steak houses and BBQ joints with people when they decide that's where they'd like to go. I don't somehow magically expect to find a delicious vegetarian meal. I go cause I like to hang out with good people. So huzzah! Happy birthday, Mr. Daniel!

Following dim sum, I headed home and... I can't really remember if I ultimately got much done or not. I think I did. Maybe I read a book for a while, and then tried to organize some things and failed. I don't remember! But it was a lovely couple of hours, anyway.

Around 5:00 PM, I headed over to Jason's place for our regularly scheduled Sunday Ars Magica game. We took a few weeks off over the holidays, and it took us all a little while to figure out what we were supposed to be doing again. We're currently helping to fulfill Ragnarok somewhere up in the Norse lands. The year is 1256. Europe has been plunged into three years of winter, but we're currently in the fourth year, and nothing's happening. There doesn't seem to be a rainbow bridge, the Jötunn aren't spilling out of Niflheim, Loki is nowhere to be found (he should be in Hel), etc. Big mystery!

... the fun part is that I get to run finishing it. ;D Now I just need to piece it all together into our existing story. Luckily, I generally work better given such a framework than when I have to come up with something from scratch.

Another night, another entry not in the day it was supposed to be for. Oh well!

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