
Friday, January 15, 2010

Hey, hey, Media Temple.

This morning did not go at all how I planned, though, all in all, it didn't go badly.

As described last night, I forgot to bring my computer home with me, which made working from home particularly difficult. I think somewhere around 10:00 AM I decided that the morning would have to just turn into a personal half-a-day.

At 10:00 or so, I took a wander down Mass Ave. to the dentist and had a fine appointment. Following that, I continued down Mass Ave. to Harvard Square, where I took the opportunity to get a haircut at La Flamme. (Seriously, the place is called that.)

Greg is apparently in Jamaica again, so some lady who's name I didn't catch cut my hair instead. It's turned out a bit shorter than I would have preferred, but the only way that Greg and I arrived at the cut I prefer was through several years of trial and error. (Not too many errors, mind - he's pretty good!)

Luckily, hair grows, and it looks fine. Just... short.

After work, I went with Daniel, Erik, and Eric over to Craigie On Main for a drink. We all had Old Fashions. They were delicious. (Or at least mine was, I can't speak to anyone else's.)

Following that, I hopped on the T with Eric and got off at Harvard Sq., where I swung by Dado for some Bi-Bim-Bap and (*gasp!*) a glass of wine. They actually had a pretty nice cab there. So I spent a little time, relaxed, read New Spring, and sipped some wine. Pretty good, all told. Following Dado, I walked back up Mass Ave. to Porter and then home. (In all my wanderings all over Cambridge today, I never actually took the T between Harvard and Porter. Huh.)

Once home, I had some apple pie. (Thanks Jason and Kat!) I then proceeded to read up on Media Temple ( as a host, and decided to go for it. I haven't had a site in so long, it'll be fun to actually put some junk up again. Maybe I'll go back to making PHP games, but this time with Flash/Flex front ends. Good times!

At this point, I think I'm going to spend my remaining evening with a good book. A good ending to a nice, productive, enjoyable Friday.

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