
Friday, January 29, 2010

Characters, characters, mulling, and (un)mulled wine.

There were several events of note today:

One, I went to Characters in Kendall Square for the first time.  Daniel, Erik, and Tim were in attendance.  It seems like a nice enough place - very after-work-drinks oriented, it seems.  They have free popcorn.  That I can get behind.  I was sorta feeling crappy because of a headache, so I didn't really have a drink or anything, but it was good to see Tim again.  We all stood around and shot ye olde shit for a while.  Good times.

After leaving Characters, not really feeling up to going to the gym, I headed over to Dado in Harvard Square instead.  I sent Julia a text to see if she wanted to join me after her trip to the gym - turns out she was on her way to Harvard Square anyway to see a store about some textbooks.  So we hung out, had green tea (Dragon Well!), a bit of a scone, and I had (prior to her arrival) a delicious sesame bagel sandwich with roasted red pepper hummus, swiss, greens, tomato, cucumber, and red onion.  Awesome.

When Dado closed at 8:00 PM, I walked her home rather than take the T, then walked myself up through the zig-zagging neighborhoods of West Cambridge back home.  By the time I got there, both my feet and hands were thoroughly cold.  What a freezing night!  My lovely iPhone app tells me that it's currently... 12 degrees!  Holy crap!  Less than I expected!


As is evidenced by my last post, I've spent the rest of my evening mulling over some writing in one form or another.  I'm also mulling over some wine, which is, however, not mulled itself.  It's a bottle of 2006 Merlot from Ali, which she gifted me for Christmas.  Thanks, Ali!  It's delicious, and as one might expect, it's making me an excellently introspective, happy, slightly-more-articulate lush for the evening.


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